Narrative Text - Grant writing is part science, part art. Although most people prefer dental surgery to execute the deed, the process is quite simple if you follow some of the steps described in this article. Although this article focuses Narrative Text on federal grant applications, the same process can be applied to other foundations, corporations or other types of response.
The most important thing any organization can do is examine the financing with a critical eye. Too often, people in the water the mouth of dollars more often available at a federal charter and blindly chasing the money. While this approach is understandable, especially in these difficult times, the strategy is totally wrong. Chasing the money that does not fit the mission of your organization has at least two problems. First, it is unlikely to win the award since the application will read as if chasing money. Second, even if the organization earn money, you have to run a project that is outside the mission and scope of the group. This type of exercise can lead to a loss of credibility. In extreme cases, can lead to unfortunate consequences with the federal government. (Image of a federal audit on your door or a negative item in a local newspaper).
Once a request for proposals is determined to be a good fit, have gathered data, and have partners in place, the process of starting to write. The RFP often provides an accurate guide as to the preparation of an application. They are usually so detailed as to specify the page space, font and margin requirements. Failure to follow these instructions indicate that the application is deemed unresponsive and out of the competition. A recent tweet CAF proposal highlights this feeling ... "If your proposal is lose, lose, because they offer the best product / service, not because you did not follow the RFP (@ proposal coffee-1 February 2011). A good percentage of applications in each competition is deemed unresponsive and therefore never read. The scoring criteria also serve as an outline proposal. All questions, sub questions and the points assigned to each section are usually listed in this part of the RFP. It is useful to cut and paste this information into the documents of the grant narrative text before writing actually begins. Determine the number of pages to use for each section depending on the number of points. For example, if 40 points of the application is based on the work plan, then a writer should allocate approximately 40% of fiction available. Grant reviewers typically receive a lot of applications that should be reviewed on a very limited time based on a score sheet that is given. This record of achievement usually follows the scoring criteria. The organization of the narrative based on scoring criteria thus allows the reviewer to quickly find the answer and assign points. In fact, when I write a grant, narrative text which tend to leave questions in there, so my person internal review (more on that later) you can see that question answered. At the same time, it is very easy for the grant reviewer for the answer to the question.
Making a narrative text of grant application easy to review makes it easy for the reviewer can assign points. As someone with proposals for review, which was more generous to the applications made it easy for me to find information. In all honesty, halfway through the review process, if an application made me look for relevant information, simply stopped looking because they do not have time (or patience). Finally, it is important to note that federal grants, especially funds from programs not only things. It is difficult to get a grant for new equipment. Funding is more likely if one asks for computers as part of a program that an organization has developed. The focus is on the agenda, the things the program possible
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